TIP: Have a Spring Picnic

Note from Nancy: (This tip was written and contributed by my friend and colleague, Bob Sullo. I first published this in March 2002 Peaceful Parenting Newsletter. It’s such a good idea that I wanted to share again.)

Inspired by the fact that winter has never been my favorite time of the year, I created our family’s annual Spring Picnic.


Eighteen years ago, I suggested to my wife that we have a picnic on the first day of Spring to formally say goodbye to Old Man Winter and usher in Nature’s New Year with a flourish.

My wife, fearful that we would freeze, awaited my further explanation. So with blanket spread on the floor in front of our wood-burning stove, the four of us, 6-year old daughter, 9-month old son, my wife and myself feasted on all sorts of food, including junk food that we tried to avoid during the rest of the year. The music of Vivaldi’s Four Seasons filled the air. Thus the joyous family tradition began.

Over the years, grandparents, aunts, uncles and family friends have graced the Spring Picnic.

Our youngest child, now 17-years old, experienced her first Spring Picnics when she was just 2 months old. Today, everyone in the family still saves the date and time. So this year on March 20th, our family and friends will gather once again for our annual Spring Picnic.

Why not give this a try this year with your family? No matter where you live, the return of Spring is always worth a celebration. Enjoy!